Welcome to the summer term! We have started our new topic – The Tudors – and have lots of exciting activities planned to help the children answer some of their questions.
On Wednesday 2nd May we will be joining Dosbarth Helyg at Chirk Castle to develop historical understanding of the time period. We will be investigating how the Tudor’s worked, lived and ate.
In our Literacy lessons we are reading and writing historical stories, using the information gathered in our History lessons. Our stories are based on our class book – Terry Deary’s ‘Tudor Tales’. The children have already had lots of fun hot-seating the main characters.
We have been very lucky to be chosen to take part in a pilot project with Denbighshire Healthy Schools’ team to develop a healthy living schools resource. Paula Roberts has joined us every Tuesday for Science lessons to lead the children through healthy lifestyle choices and cooking skills. So far we have made fajitas and pizza. We have also learnt how to chop vegetables safely and to create a balanced meal.
In maths we have been problem solving and identifying the rule for number sequences.
Our R.E. Lessons are all about caring for the environment. We have been busy looking after the pond to keep the tadpoles happy and will be inviting parents into school for a planting session once we have designed our garden area.
And finally, this term we will start swimming lessons. Every Thursday the children will need a swimsuit, towel and £2 for the bus.